Ok, So back in January you may have read This Post where I talked about the new client meeting room that we are putting in our house. The room is just going to be a little place for us to sit and talk and look at some samples. I’m so excited about it. Well, we have slowly been working on the room, so I figured it would be a good time to post some pictures of the progression. We started from scratch by ripping down the walls. It is rewarding to do the work ourselves, although Austin’s dad helped us out with the drywall and electrical which was great, so that we didnt have any hospital trips trying to do the electric stuff ourselves. We are finally getting to the fun stuff, but I really cant wait till the decorating starts…
scary stuff huh?
My job = removing all the old nails
The new walls!
The old door was like a bedroom door, but because this door goes out to the garage we replaced it with a nice new steel door
Lola likes the new walls
I forgot to take a picture of the worst part of the process (spackle and sanding) so here is the room after we painted the ceiling and primed the walls
Austin is thrilled to be painting Pink
i actually really like to paint
but, then after painting for a while I usually think its time to dance
Ok, so here is what the room looks like so far.. one coat of paint, one to go, then we will be putting the molding and chair rail up, adding the vent and light fixtures, and then the floor… lots to do…
That looks great so far. Lots of work here, remodel, school, work, and of course, p90x. Busy busy….