Spring Time

Spring time brings good and bad things, good things being baby animals and bad things being allergies. I used to count baby bunnies in the good things category until recently. My beagle (that comes from a 30 year bloodline of rabbit hunters) wants to catch all the baby bunnies. Therefore, I have started a baby bunny saving mission at my house. I know that if Lola (beagle) is gone for more than 10 minutes at a time, I have to go outside and find the latest baby bunny that she has cornered into a wood pile and save the bunny. As if I didn’t have enough on my todo list as is, now I’m a bunny saver….

Here’s one from this morning… this little guy could have fit in my hand…

9 down, 1 to go and I’m free for summer!!!!!!

As most of you know, I’m almost done with getting my masters degree. I have completed 9 out of the 10 courses, meaning I only have one semester/1 class to go. After some convincing from Austin I have decided not to take the last class this summer because we need some time off… It’s pretty bad when you get a phone call from your mom telling you that you need to go out and spend some time with your friends and not work so much. That being said, I am officially free of schoolwork for the summer and will be taking my very last class in the Fall.

Jackie and Mike

On Saturday I went down to Newark, Delaware to shoot the wedding of Jackie and Mike for Thomas Lunt. After a week of rain, the sun finally emerged just in time for Mike and Jackies wedding and they ended up with a beautiful day. Mike and Jackie had wedding planner Erin Proud of Proud to Plan to make sure their day carried on just as they had imagined. The wedding reception was held at Clayton Hall on the campus of the University of Delaware. This day was even more special to the couple because not only was it their wedding day, but it was also their 6 year anniversary together. Jackie was all smiles throughout the entire day and she and the girls were so much fun to be around. Thomas and I had a great time shooting Jackie and Mike’s wedding day and we even got a chance to hit the dance floor for a little cupid shuffle.











Amanda and Jim- Engaged

On Sunday, Austin and I went over to Media, PA for an Engagement shoot with Amanda and Jim. Amanda and Jim brought along their dog, Sheldon, who was just the sweetest pup, and very well behaved. We had a really great time shooting with them and Sheldon kept us laughing the whole time. We started off at a park, and then wondered around town taking some more shots. Media was actually a really nice little town full of shops and bars… I think Austin and I might be taking a trip back there sometime soon. We can’t wait for Jim and Amanda’s wedding this coming June… only weeks away…



I absolutely love this series. Sheldon was so happy-go-lucky until it was his turn to be in the photo. He really looked annoyed to have to sit and have his photo taken which was so funny. We were all cracking up at Sheldon’s serious expression…


But then he must have gotten used to the camera, and we got a nice shot…






Dana and Brett are married

This wedding was extra special to me because the beautiful bride is my cousin Dana. When Dana first started planning her wedding, she asked if I wanted to be the photographer, but I told her that I would prefer to be a guest and enjoy the day with her. So, my good friend and great photographer
Nate Juliano was hired to be the official wedding photographer. Since Nate is a friend of ours, I was able to shoot with him for the getting ready and the ceremony. At this point, I was going to sit back and enjoy the reception. That idea went out the window the moment I got to the reception. I only brought 1 camera body and one lens to the receoption and Austin and I both wanted to shoot. Nate was kind enough to lend us one of his cameras to shoot with because we apparently don’t know how to just be guests at a wedding. For my cousin Dana, this works out great because she had between 1 and 3 photographer coverage all day. Austin and I did manage to make it out to the dancefloor as well, and we really enjoyed ourselves. My cousin Dana looked gorgeous, and I’m excited that Brett is officially part of the family.


My sister Dink, the maid of honor, did Dana’s makeup













